Monday, September 1, 2008


Hey, I know I'm not good with updating. I need to get a new adaptor for my camera so I can put more photos on here. So a quick update; Jolee turned four last month, I can't believe it. Gage is doing great, but getting a bit of an attitude. My kid right? Yeah right, Matt's got way more attitude. He, He! I'm looking for a new job. I just applied at the Green Valley Casino Spa and Salon. Anyways, we'll see what happens with all that. Fun stuff, ehh?
So I think I got Matt to actually want to go see the Twilight movie. He saw that there was a certain actor in it that he can appreciate. I won't let him see it with me when I go. I'll be going with my sisters and we will be having a big Edward bash. So I know he wouldn't want to be around that. Alright, that's the update, peace-out!


Taylors said...

yes charity, you do need to get some pictures up! and please fill us in a wee bit more :) it is so good to see you are doing well!

Tara said...

OMG, I can't believe it. You actually posted something after 3 months. Thanks for the update. Glad to hear all is going well. How is Matt's job? What is Gage doing? Is Jolee in preschool or in any cute little classes? Fill us in a little more.

Allison said...

Hey Charity! This is Allison Goodrich I don't know if you remember me or not but we did have many fun times courtesy of our moms! Your family is adorable although alittle weird seeing everyone with kids! I would love to hear from you!

familyof4 said...

Yes, finally an actualy update! Glad to hear Jolee did well at the dentist!

The Sanford Family said...

If I lived here I would so be at your Edward bash!!!!!! (This is Natalie's sister Michelle, by the way).